Jude and Noah are the twins of a dreamer and a realist. They
grow up within these poles never knowing that their world would break. When
Noah is 13 he falls in love with a boy. When Jude is 13 she does something
terrible to Noah. And their mother does something terrible to them. And their
father to their mother. In a few years Jude will wake up and see their messy
lives and will try to piece the world together again.
Lots of people - myself included - Jude and Noah have a
strange fascination with the bond between twins. I have had the pleasure of
befriending a few twins and while they fight like any other siblings, they are
always each other’s protectors. Jandy Nelson creates the twins’ relationship with
their games, traditions, ghosting their similarities. Following their lives,
Nelson captures something very special - as close as I will get to understanding
that ethereal connection.
I greatly enjoyed this highly acclaimed read. While it had
the humour and lightness inherent in teen fiction, the characters had depth and
matured as the book went on. As promised in the blurb, I did at one point laugh
and cry at the same time. I loved both completely different POVs, especially
Noah’s way of labeling the still images of his life. This is a book I will be
recommending to everyone to not only read but to buy. It looks so pretty on the
bookshelf :D
Favourite quote:
“What is bad for the heart is good for the art.”
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